

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Kick Ass!

Geof over at Enter the Man-Cave was so awesomely kind as to award me with the Kick Ass Blogger award.  Umm..how cool is that?! Geof's blog is what the title says it is, and if you are into entering man caves (and I am!) then his is the blog for you.  Sports, video games, movies, and whatever cool thing might be floating around the interwebs, he's got it.  It's like a one-stop shop for ultimate cool.  And the best part about it?  He makes you feel as if you are in charge of the remote while you are visiting.  I always knew I was a greasy man trapped in a woman's body, and he allows that side of me to come out.  So thanks for the awesome reading and the awesome award!

Now, it is my pleasure to hand this award out to 8 folks whom I think are kick ass bloggers.  This is going to be hard because everyone I follow is kick ass.  So as not to sound too repetitive in my choices, I am just going to link to their sites without a description.  Just know that all these blogs were chosen for a reason, because they are all ridiculously amazing, and they all rock my socks.  There is a reason why I am always choosing these blogs!  Here they are in no particular order:

Blueviolet over at A Nut in A Nutshell

Josh over at The Technical Parent

Indigo over at IndigoWrath

Joanna over at The Painter's Studio

JenJen over at Jen's Voices

All wonderful blogs and I am feeling a bit bad about not adding descriptions about each one, but they honestly all stand strong as amazing writers and wonderful blogs.  I am leaving it to you to go and find out for yourself how awesome they really are.  You'll see.

Thank you again Geof! You are the one that's kick ass!

Rants in My Pants

This Award Comes Easy