

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Throwback Thursday

Throwback Thursday

Wow. This is from way way back. My best friend's family was kind enough to bring me along to the Bahamas with them, something I probably didn't appreciate enough at the time being a 14-year-old punk, but definitely do now. We had a blast, and it's a trip I will always remember. So thank you!!

School trip to the Science Centre circa 1993. I wish I was still in touch with so many of these people.

Skip to university! My great great friend Cheryl threw a Butch/ Femme party that was so much fun! Circa 2002.

We went as 'femme' of course. Which in university was a difficult thing for me to do. I was more tomboy/ grunge/ frumpy/ ugly normally.


Favourite Spring Posts: Roundup

Favourite Spring Posts: Roundup

Saturday Ikea Run

Saturday Ikea Run