

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

What I Read in 2017

What I Read in 2017

Well hello there friends! Once again, I have here, for you, the books I read in 2017. Why do I do this you might ask? Well, for you AND for me. I like to see it laid out what I read in a year, as it helps me to feel proud that I read 15 out of my 20 book goal! This is not a fail in my book (HA! GET IT?), because 15 is pretty darn good. And for you, because you may be looking for something new to read. SO MAY I SUGGEST. I put them in order from highest rated to lowest. I hope you enjoy!
















How many books were you able to get through this year? It gets harder the older you get to find the time to sit down and read. One good thing about my dumb commute to work is that I can read for 2 hours a day, and most of the time I do. But the thing I love the most is that even at home, when I have a million other things to distract me (like Netflix duh), I did better at making more time to read in 2017.

I have set a 25 book reading challenge for myself in 2018. We shall see how that goes! Happy reading folks.

February 2018 Monthly Favorites: Cozy Edition

February 2018 Monthly Favorites: Cozy Edition

Post Merry and Bright

Post Merry and Bright