

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Summer In Review

Summer In Review

So, we didn't have the greatest Summer weather-wise. It wasn't very hot (which was fine with me), but we didn't really get to experience those beautiful Summer days that I love either.

I did make a Summer to-do list here, and we did do quite a few of the things on that list! Here are the Summer loving things we got to cross off our list:

We went canoeing:

A couple things of note:

We bought a car!!

See me learning how to drive here:

I got a new job at a mobile game publishing company and I love it!

And that is it! It was a pretty good summer all in all, not the best, but not the worst! I am looking forward to the cooler Fall weather to hit (finally) so that my allergies can go away a bit.

What fun things did you do this summer?

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