

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Get Outside (Or, My Guide to Forcing Myself Outside)

Get Outside (Or, My Guide to Forcing Myself Outside)

Hello there my sunflowers! I know that technically it is only the third day of Summer, but I have already been enjoying checking things off my summer fun to do list.

Now don't get me wrong...I hate when its too hot. I would rather sit in a cool room with the blinds closed and pretend that I don't have to go outside until the Fall, but, I also don't want to waste my life (and the summer) by staying indoors all the time. So I make a list of all the fun adventures I want to complete before summer ends...it's one way to get this indoor girl, outside.

Like canoeing. Every year for the past three years now, we rent a canoe from Canoeing the Grand, and off we go on a lovely paddle through the Grand River. It's become a tradition for us to kick off summer, and we love it.

This year though, I got the WORST sunburn. I missed (many) spots when applying sunscreen, and yeah. Don't do that, it sucks.

After the fun is over, getting home and showering the dirt, sweat, heat and sunscreen off is the MOST AMAZING FEELING EVER.

Oh hello friends! Me after a day out canoeing. Tired, but happy!

Sometimes on those perfect summer days, I take a walk around my work neighborhood so I can take advantage of the day. It breaks things up and it gets you outside, so yeah, there ain't nothing wrong wit dat.

Me again, with filters times a thousand. When you are 36-years-old, squinting is no longer a thing you do, it becomes a scary wrinkly affair that no one wants to see (joking, but not really).

Apparently there is water in that swamp somewhere. I saw no sign of it, but wasn't really willing to prove the sign wrong.

Dave and I also really wanted to go to the Scarborough Bluffs, which we did this past weekend. It was so awesome there, we can't wait to go back! 

So many little paths to take that lead away from the main path. Believe me, we tried to take every one we came across. After a while we figured it was best to make our way back before we got super lost in the woods. It was stupidly hot on this day too, and I was a melted puddle by the time we got home. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Pretty flower! (I know, I don't have dainty hands...they are all beat up. Such is life).

So I thought it would be 'fun' to climb this hill to get even higher for a better view. YEAH OK. I am taking a break in this picture, looking up at what I have left to climb. I am not crouching down, this is how steep it was. I just barely made it (Dave had to pull me the rest of the way up).

Yeah it wasn't really worth it. HA! Just kidding...it was just as nice up there, if not hotter what with being almost inside the sun itself. 

But these respites were amazing.

Dave and I have plenty more hikes planned, and maybe an overnight trip here and there. Basically, even though I'm not much of a summer girl, you can't deny that it really is a beautiful and alive time of year. Get out and enjoy it if you can!

7 Cool Tiny Homes

7 Cool Tiny Homes

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition- The Devil House Part 2

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition- The Devil House Part 2