

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Vacation: All I Ever Wanted

I spent the last two days of the work week, well....working. A LOT. In two days I worked a total of 26 hours. Sigh. So much for my not allowing work to stress me out.

But! Now I am on vacation!! For 9 glorious days I don't have to think about work, talk about work, barf about work. Dave and I have made a 'No Talking About Work' rule. Ha! And here I am talking about work.

So I just wanted to make a little list of the things I am looking forward to doing over the next 9 days. Things I actually WANT to spend my life doing.

I want to:

1. Sleep in late every day. And eat! Oh the eating.

2. Visit my folks.

3. Visit old friend's in Niagara Falls.

4. Drink lots of wine on a deck, in Niagara Falls.

5. Get my hair cut. I am cutting inches and inches off!! There will be before and after pictures.

6. Play on Clifton Hill, in Niagara Falls.

7. Make a trip to Rotate This and pick up some Daniel Johnston tickets. DANIEL JOHNSTON!

8. Stay in my pajamas for most of the time.

9. Play a sickening amount of video games.

10. Watch My So-Called Life and Degrassi High for the gagillionth time.

And there you have it folks. This is what I will be doing on my vacation. My last two consisted of back-packing around the UK, and spending the week helping out when my best friend had a baby. Both awesome and fun, but not conducive to mondo relaxation, kna'mean?

Homemade Chicken and Veggies for CATS

Oh The Child I Used To Be....