

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

A Little Housekeeping, A Few Bruises

Well hi there.  Long time no see.  I have been a wee bit absent as of late due to outside circumstances, as well as a few internal ones as well.  I have been battling the end of the winter blues, and for those who know me, they have been brutal this year.  I am hoping that the bright ball in the sky will lift my spirits and shake off the dreariness I have been experiencing extra amounts of in the past few weeks.  

Having said that, I am also in change mode.  I have been talking about big changes in my life lately on here in regards to my job and my apartment.  We pay a lot of rent and now that Dave has lost his job, it's time to down-size.  But you know what?  I think we wanted to already (LOVE this apartment, but we have just been getting by because of the expense of the place.  I want more out of my life than a big apartment, you know?), and this has been our kick in the ass to do so.  Once I get to thinking about doing something, it consumes me.  So I have been spending time doing a lot of thinking, tweaking, balancing and swearing.  Stress: brings out my inner truck driver.  I guess I am apologizing for being so absent, because I have missed you guys, and have been doing what I can to read your blogs and comment.  I will get caught up if it kills me.  I am not kidding.

So, now that that is out of the way, I wanted to extend a VERY warm welcome to all my new followers!  I an over at The Daily Dose of Reality (who is amazing and wonderful and you would be foolish not to click on that link above) had a bit of a contest last Friday where he listed five of his favourite posts of the week and had people vote on the best.  For some strange, unbelievable reason, I won.  I was up against some of the best bloggers (and people) I know, and their posts made me laugh, cry, and bow in the greatness that is them.  Hence why I am not sure what happened there.  A glitch?  The universe was aligned that day?  Was there a full moon and people went crazy?  I have no clue.  So I just wanted to take the time out to thank Ian and urge you all to check out the other contenders because they are the reason I blog and they are my inspiration.  Here they are in no particular order:

Bendigo at Bendigo's Rage

Samantha over at Apple Juice & Milk

And there you have it.  I know that a lot of you already follow these folks, but if you have yet to check them out, please do.  They are all phenomenal.

I also have a few awards to post here that have been handed my way over the past few days.  The people that gave them to me are exceptional human beings and their blogs are on par with their human being status.  Geof at Enter the Man-Cave gave me this little ditty that I think is one my favourite's to date:

The Zombie Rabbit Award!  How amazing is this one, really?  I want to give this one to two people, Kristy at This Train of Thought Has Been Derailed and Josh at The Technical Parent.  If we were rabbit zombie's I would want them to be on my team.  Kristy because she would be a resourceful zombie, and Josh because he has seen all the movies and would be in the know as to which zombie bars to go to.  You know how it is.

Jenna over at JennAventures was wonderfully sweet to give me these awards:

Since I have already been given the Best Followers Award once before, I am going to quietly accept it and not answer the questions.  There are only so many times you can read all about little old me!  I do though, want to offer the award up to EVERYONE who follows me.  Seriously, just accept it guilt free and place it on your blog under spotlights and marquees.  And THANK YOU!

The other award, the "You're going places, baby" award, I want to love and covet.  Because then I can hand it out later under my own discretion and care to the blogs that I love and cherish so much.

So thank you Jenna and Geof!  I appreciate it more than you know.  And everyone else, go check them out.  Their blogs are entertaining and amazing at the same time.  Why wouldn't you pay a visit?

Other than that, nothing to report.  I am getting caught up on my blog reading, and I am nursing a pretty crappy bruise that I received when I went on a date with a standard blood test yesterday.  The needle tried to get a little fresh with me and I resisted.  Want to see it?  No?  Well here it is anyway because if someone asked me if I wanted to see it I would say yes because I like things that are gross.  So here you are:

And again, just in case you were not satisfied with the first one:

I know right?  Yeesh.  The sad thing is that this is not the worst bruise I have ever had from a blood test. One of the downfalls of having extra fair skin.  Damn my mother whose fair skin gene was passed on to me instead of my father's European dark ones.  

So this is where I am right now folks.  I am taking a bit more time to write, a bit more time to comment, and a lot more time to figure my shit out.  I am still around though, don't you worry!

All I Want For Wednesday Is...

Always Listen To Your Parents, Or You Will Float Away