

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.



I am so excited for Spring to just get here. Normally I am the one rolling my eyes at people who say that because my logic is, well, you live in Canada and we have shit for winter so why not just deal with it and maybe even try to find some good in it?

But not this winter. I am ready for some bird song and bright sunshine. It hasn't even been that bad of a winter, just long and gloomy.

I have been very restless lately. I feel like change is coming. I cleaned out my closets, I rearranged my house, I have been hanging with friends a bit more....yet, I still feel like something is going to happen. Nothing bad, just a feeling I have had looming for a while now.

I am craving change.  I feel like I need to re-do my entire house, make it the way I want it to be.  We have been doing that, slowly, as the money allows. We didn't paint when we moved in and I was fine with the colors at the time, but not anymore.  It needs a revamp.  Normally I hate redecorating and I definitely hate painting, but I think that the coming of Spring will inspire me to make it happen.  There are a few projects I am anxious to get going but can't until the warm weather comes.

Big changes are brewing in my head.  Big life changes perhaps?  I just hope I have the guts to do it.  It's scary to change your life sometimes, but I am tired of complaining about things that I can actually change. Tired of talking about wanting to change and not. So we will see. Stay tuned to see how big my balls are.

Winter decided to hit us hardcore this weekend, which made me dream of long walks in the sun, ice cream, and the beach.  I can't wait for this summer. Patios and beer and swimming and sunshine.  I am counting down the days.

Today was a day of tea and a yummy breakfast, a little house cleaning, working out and plenty of Netflix.  Maybe too much Netflix since I just got my internet bill and it's over by $43. Fuuuuucccckkkk!!  Too much of a good thing is never actually a good thing is it?  I think it's time to switch my internet provider from Rogers to Tech Savvy or something.  Anything to get away from Rogers.

Well folks, it's bedtime. Seven AM and a shit job come early. Peace!

Every Day

Every Day

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness