

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Mish Mash, Hodge Podge, Whatever.

Mish Mash, Hodge Podge, Whatever.

It's another one of those posts folks. One where I had random pictures that I couldn't really fit a story to, so you get a post that's all OVAH the place!

Starting with the bod of my dad.  He has been surviving his heart surgery well.  He lost a lot of weight afterwards, and lost his tan, but other than that he is doing great! My mom 'let' him cut the lawn last week, and he has been walking the dogs, so this is all amazing news.

Did you know that they run three wires up to your heart after the surgery? I guess to make sure they are monitoring everything properly.  He was awake and completely with it when they pulled these out.  My mom kept them.  I have weird parents.

This is where they pulled the vein from to create a bypass in his heart.  Modern medicine is pretty neat eh? Now if only the swelling would go down in his feet.

So cute.  Father and son.  The inside of this card was hilarious.

Ah yes.  One of our many trips to get some sushi.  I don't know why this is, but sushi soothes my soul.  At least it does where we go.  Maybe it's the environment, maybe it's the sushi itself, or maybe their beer is stronger?  Whatever the reason, I always want sushi in times of needing comfort or a break or if I have had a really, really bad day.

See? All is well with the universe.  Oh dear.  I fear I am wearing the same shirt further down in this post on another sushi expedition.  Sigh.

Oh my god the love I have for him.


So I had to throw this bit of narcissism in here.  The reason why though (and the narcissism continues) is because this was the first time I wore my hair down in AGES, and as I was walking to work, listening to music and minding my own business, I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned around and pulled out an earphone and some guy was like, "Lexi?", and then proceeded to apologize, telling me that I look just like his friend.  Like guys, I could FOR REAL be her twin.  What's amazing about this is the guy was maybe 17 or 18.  So unless he has friends that are 16 years older than he is (cringe), then he was telling me I am TOTALLY a babe in an old person's body! YES!!!

Yup, there it is.  The same shirt.

Thinking about this is making my mouth water.

Summer, Summer.  I am okay now with you going away.  Although seeing this picture makes me sad for the dreary days of winter that I know are on their way.  The light is different these days, it is duller, more burnt orange than blazing bright.  Fall is on it's way.

"Not only am I President of the Major Douche Society, I am also a member.  The biggest douche-y member in the club."

Get ready to feast your eyes on these. 

ESPECIALLY this one.  This is why they call me the Hulk.

Haha! So, whenever Dave and I are arguing, or I am annoyed with him and telling him my FEEEEELINGS, he tells me that I always have a certain expression on my face.  That expression he likes to call 'bitch face'. 

Yeah, that's the holier-than-thou face we all know and love.  The kind we use when talking to naughty children, or you know, annoying boyfriends.

Speaking of expressions! Expressions of Christmas! YAY!!

But in the meantime, ice cream! YAY!

Blueberry cheesecake ice cream to be exact.

On Saturday I got to see my bestie Jessi, and her baby belly! Goddamn she is so freaking cute I want to barf.


No, THEY are cute.  The cutest couple out there.  This kid is being born into a lucky life

Happy hump day everyone! Go hump someone you love. Or someone you just feel lukewarm towards, I don't judge!

GTA IV: Back to the Future Mod

GTA IV: Back to the Future Mod

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition

Up To No Good: Abandoned House Edition