

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Spreading the (Book) News

Spreading the (Book) News

Hello everyone! I hope 2014 is treating you kindly!

Just a quick post to point you towards my lovely friend Indigo Roth, who wrote a book! And you can get it right here! Just click the picture and you will be taken to the Amazon page where you can purchase it. Great for yourself, or even as a gift!

I have not had the pleasure of reading it just yet, but I CANNOT wait to do so! It is a very different format, and I already know it's going to be a book that I wont be able to put down.

Indigo Roth has been writing the most imaginative, mind-blowing stories that I have had the pleasure of reading for the past few years, and his book (I am sure) is an extension of his creative genius.

Buy the book here:


Or go to his publishing website for more info:

Click me too!

Check out his blog here to see what I mean.

Happy purchasing!

Abandoned: A Year of Getting Lost

Abandoned: A Year of Getting Lost

2013: A Year in Photographs

2013: A Year in Photographs