

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Time Doesn't Wait For Me, It Keeps on Rollin'

Time Doesn't Wait For Me, It Keeps on Rollin'

Well hello there friends! It's been a while hasn't it? Nothing too exciting has been happening around here, hence, a lack of blog posts. Life just happened at it's normal pace/ routine. 

The warmer days have seen a lot of strolling about and discovering new places. Like Zaza Espresso Bar in Bloor West Village. Their gelato is freaking awesome. And it was WAY too cold to be sitting outside eating it but we did anyway.

The basement of the hospital where I work.

April showers!...

We had a mini power outage in the West end last week due to a hydro pole catching on fire. How exciting.  At least I got to light my cool color changing candles. How exciting!!

Drinks with my good friend Chetan is always an awesome thing to do.

My sick girl. She has her good days and her bad days.  Also, bad angle Katherine...bad angle.

For some reason these days I pass out on the couch right after I have a shower. Which means my hair...

Looks like this.

On beautiful clear days like this you can see the CN Tower, all the way downtown.

We had Easter up at Dave's parents' farm this year. One of the last dinners we will enjoy up there. They are selling the house and therefore the business!

I'm going to really miss it. New memories elsewhere I suppose.

Sunday was so warm that I figured it was time to give my plants some much needed winter dust off and a good healthy dose of sun.

It was so hot I had to take my socks off. And I put them on the table! HAHA MOM!  My house MY rules!

We also bought the kitties some cat grass which they thoroughly enjoyed.

And then they puked all over the place, which I did not enjoy.

We were feeling sad because nobody gave us any Easter chocolate this year. So we bought our own.

Oh good morning.

And hello from work!

It's Friday folks! Tonight will be spent lounging on the couch, eating good food, and enjoying listening to the rain falling outside. 

I hope you all have a great weekend!

The Good Life

The Good Life

Sunny Sunday

Sunny Sunday