

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.



Fall has definitely hit the city. I have been absolutely loving all the colors this year and revelling in walking down the street on crunchy leaves. 

I always feel like winter is almost here (sorry deniers) when I take out my air conditioner for the season and I get the urge to tuck away everything on my deck. Which is what we did today. And found this GIANT sucker trying to get warm in the window well. I believe my oh so grown up reaction was, "GET IT OUT GET IT OUT GET IT OUT".  Why so big though? I can't deal.

The sun was going down as I was cleaning up the deck. Turning containers upside down, cleaning up any old raccoon shit (ugh so gross right), and tomorrow we buy a tarp to cover up the barbecue for the next 6 months. God I wish I was exaggerating that number. I'm not.

Dave is out for the night, so I get the house to myself. I am tidying up a bit, and then I am going to shower, get into a clean pair of pjs and just relax. And do a little of this.

And a lot of this.

What are your plans for tonight? Tell me exciting ones so I can feel like more of a loser.

Sunday Mini Adventures

Sunday Mini Adventures

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