

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

I Feel Loved

Geof over at Enter the Man Cave was so kind to hand me this award.  And it's a great one!  I really do try and comment on every single blog that I read because I want to, and I know I appreicate that someone is reading what I humbly am putting to paper, so I want to show the same amount of respect for others.  That has become harder for me with the amount of blogs I now follow, so I have made a compromise with myself:  post every second day and read blogs inbetween so that I don't have to miss a single one.  It was a hard decsion to come to, so this award means something to me!  And I also love the way it looks...there is something about getting back to the basics and applying pen to paper when writing.  I do this every morning when I wake up early to write three pages of drivel.  Yes, drivel.  It is suggested that as a writer, as soon as you wake up you put your thoughts down on paper.  You are the most vulnerable in what you are thinking at that time of day, and the truth comes out more.  So write it all down for three pages worth.  It is intended to get out all the crap and make room for the good stuff: all the thoughts and story ideas you have throughout the day.  Clarity.  I can handle that.

Anyway, I am veering off topic here.  The Best Blog Comments Award!  Geof really is an awesome person for giving this to me, and his blog is more than enertaining, it's awsome!  It is full of video game reviews, videos, movie reviews (good ones too) and anything else that is interseting on the internet.  I have called it a one-stop shop for all things fun and exciting before, and I still mean it now!  Go on over there and check him out why don't you?

Now I must give this to a few others, and these people are ones I appreciate so much in encouraging me with this little thing I call writing.  Here they are in no particular order:

Indigo at IndigoWrath

So there you are friends!  Thank you Geof for the award, and thank you to everyone for being such great blog commenters yourselves!  For those who might already have recieved this award, then just put it on your blog and know that you are loved from this corner of the world!

Happy Valentine's Day

My Piece of Sunshine Today