

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Fake It Till You Make It

Fake It Till You Make It

My sister and I went down to my parent's house this past weekend to spend all the time we could with them before my dad's surgery.  It was a really fun weekend, but we were all definitely anxious.  And that was the underlying tone for the festivities.

Cheap gas.  A dollar twenty.  Shit.  Why are Dave and I trying to buy a car again?

As soon as we got there, my sister and I had a dance party in the backyard.  Who wants to sit around and mope about things that are scary? Not us!  We put on some Abba and danced like crazy people. My parents' neighbours saw them on the street later that weekend and commented that they saw us dancing. I believe they said something like "Oh to be young again".  What?! It's not like we are spring chickens here! You make life a dance party, whether you are twenty or eighty.  It's all about the attitude!

And the moves.


This woman has more strength than I will ever know.  Love you mama.

You too daddy.  Now get that disgusting thing out of your mouth.

Who thinks I look like my daddy? I think I am a good mixture of both, but I think I lean more towards his side of things in the looks department. Does that mean I will look as good when I am 66?

View from the guest room.  What I woke up to every morning.  I would see this and be grateful for such a beautiful day.

Krista and I walked down to the lake to check out the concert/ foodie event going on down there.

I still wasn't feeling 100% at this point.  I was still fighting a kidney infection so I was really tired, but happy to be spending time with my parents and the rest of my family, who came down for a barbecue that same day.

Everything looked so delicious.

It was Canada Day weekend, that's right.  I completely forgot.  Wow.  It was only last weekend.  Seems like a lifetime ago.

Cool shoes.  I choo-choo-choose you.


Canada Day fireworks.

We were enjoying the ghetto version and watching them through the trees. No one wanted to walk down to where they were.  They lasted two minutes anyway.

My mom found a beach, so we went there on Sunday.  The waves were huge that day and we had a blast playing in them.  I think we needed to release some of our nervous energy because we were all screaming and carrying on like children in the water.  It was so much fun, much needed.  Also I had to cut my sister out of the picture because if I posted a picture of her in her bathing suit she would torture and maim me. So instead you get side boob.  FULLY CLOTHED side boob too. How boring.

Sunday night rolled around and our nerves were getting the best of us.  We were all doing really well and putting on a brave face, but at that point we were kind of faking it. So we just took it easy on Monday, went back to the beach for a bit, and just hung out and went to bed early.  We knew we had to get up early the next morning and get my dad to the hospital where we would spend a long day waiting.

And wait we did.  On little to no sleep.  But that is another post.

It's Dave's birthday today! Happy 30th Dave! Today will be spent celebrating with a birthday breakfast, getting back into my workout routine, and visiting my dad in the hospital. I hope you all have a fantastic weekend!

A New Heart

A New Heart

It's Been A While

It's Been A While