

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

No Junk Food Challenge: Days 9,10,11 & 12

No Junk Food Challenge: Days 9,10,11 & 12

Hello friends! It has been a while hasn't it?  I am sorry I have been so scarce...it was my parents anniversary this weekend and we were visiting them, and I would rather hit my toes with a hammer than attempt a blog post on their computer.

But we all want to know how I did all weekend right?  Well, I can't say that I was perfect.  My sister wanted to go to a fast food joint on Friday night on the way up to my parents house, so I tried to stick to a healthier option and got a veggie burger with very little garnishes on it.  Even though it's most likely not healthy at all, it was healthier than what I could have ordered I suppose.  And I did pretty well for the rest of the weekend, except for Saturday night when we went to the Mandarin for my parents anniversary.  Chinese food is probably the worst culprit when it comes to sugar (all that yummy sauce), and I did eat it.  I just didn't eat very much of it.  

There was something surprising going on though: even though I ate those things, I didn't want them.  I mean, I was hungry and needed to eat both times, but I didn't enjoy eating them.  I also realized that where my first week of this challenge was spent mostly on cutting out candy and chips and chocolate (which was successful on all levels), this second week I spent checking labels and finding out just how many things have sugar added to them that don't need it.  Things that aren't junk food and that I eat daily.  Like yogurt.  So I have spent week two making myself aware of the fact that even though I cut out the obvious forms of refined sugar, there are many more things that I need to replace in my diet that don't have any added sugar in them (or sweeteners, I can't have that stuff, or fake forms of sugar like Sucralose and xylitol, not because I want to cut it out, but because it's super gross, to me!).

So even though I fell from grace this weekend, I did spend a lot of it in reflection. Food reflection.  Like, maybe I really can do this thing, and cut out, or majorly cut down even, the refined sugar that I have spent my entire life consuming.  I truly believe that what we eat reflects our state of minds and our emotions, and we need to work on those things first before we can even attempt to get healthy and happy on the outside.

So I say good luck to all those who are trying something like this, and I support you in all the challenges you create for yourself in your lives.  Keep at it (Indigo!), and don't get discouraged, even if you do fall off the wagon!

No Junk Food Challenge: Day 13 & 14

No Junk Food Challenge: Day 13 & 14

Playdium Arcadium

Playdium Arcadium