

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

The 4-1-1

The 4-1-1

Hello everybody! It's been TOOOOO long I know. But, I will get into why in just a quick moment!

When I bought this Dave thought it said 'Bird Shit Bay'. So that is what it is forever called now. It's really good wine though...nothing like bird shit I promise!

I would know.

So, to get into the nitty gritty. Essentially when I lost my job again in February, I kind of fell into a pretty deep depression. And even though I pretended I wasn't depressed, and even though I had a sweet friend who had been through it checking up on me (hearts Indigo, all around), I finally admitted that I was depressed. It didn't help that I had gone off my meds a few months before. I was a mess.

But, I am slowly getting better. I went back on medication (adjusted the dose so I didn't feel like too much of a zombie), and I am getting back into exercising again, which is making me feel great. I never should have stopped. 

As an aside, Dave and I have been working on this huge puzzle. We did SO well, and then I picked it up one day to move it somewhere and about half of it slid off the board onto the floor. HAHAHAHA! All I could do was laugh.

On to the more serious stuff though. My mom is waiting to find out if she has cancer or not. When she told me that, I felt like all the air was sucked out of the room, and everything got smaller. She has some more tests to do so we are still waiting (which sucks), but now that it has all settled, we are just being positive. I mean, there has been no diagnosis yet, so there is no point in freaking out (even though I am haha). I will keep you guys posted, but yeah. On top of that, my dad might be in serious heart failure. We will see. He had a quadruple bypass a few years ago but one of the grafts has completely closed and the others are beginning to as well. It sucks.

And then one of my cats got really sick with hyperthyroid. We weren't sure if she was ever going to get better. It seemed like she was just barfing herself to death, and the meds we were giving her were doing nothing. But, we switched her to a special vet food and she seems to be improving, which is great. We already have a cat with kidney disease, and now one with hyperthyroid. People and pets getting old blows!

Anyway, after being under huge amounts of stress for what felt like so long, I finally broke and decided no more. No matter what happens, I just CANNOT stress about what might happen. And if shitty things do happen, of course they will be stressful and horrible, but I will deal with that if and when it happens. Not now. I am spending every day just enjoying the little things. Like this beautiful sunset!

And this bean loaf. I decided to become a vegetarian again (I was one for over 10 years but then went back to meat), and it was the best and easiest thing I have ever done. I don't miss meat at all. And when you have a delicious bean loaf like this one, really, it's all good (let me know if you want the recipe!).

She loves watching YouTube with me. Brat.

Ummmm.....so coconut bacon is the bomb.

My nephew turned two! God he is just the sweetest, cutest thing out there.

Sick baby feeling good enough for cuddles. Definitely feeling better.

Oh right. Through all of the above, Dave and I decided to COMPLETELY re-arrange our apartment and do a giant clean while we were at it. I lost count of the amount of stuff we put out on the curb, and the amount we threw away. Holy moly. It felt AWESOME doing it, but was also a pain and so much work. But we love the way it has all turned out! Apartment tour anyone? 

When Dave goes up to his studio to work, the cats were getting confused because it used to be on the main floor. No more kitties!

Sneak peek.

Anyway, that is what has been going on around here. I really don't like complaining on this blog because it is supposed to be about fun and adventures, but sometimes, real, scary life happens. And I hope that I can always be real here and share it with you guys. I am doing so much better than I was, and that is huge, so no worries about me for those of you that might be! 

Happy Monday everyone, enjoy the day!

London Calling

London Calling

