

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Sunday Mini Adventures

Sunday Mini Adventures

I had to go and buy a dress today for SOMEONE'S wedding I am going to on Saturday, so my sister came and picked me up and off we went.

But first we had to take Finnigan the dog for a nice, long walk.

The first thing he did after being let out of his crate was to go directly to the cat litter box and grab a piece of the 'candy'. Why are dogs so gross haha! This guy is only five months old and such a little sweetheart.


Those colors.

Krista and her friend.

My ladybug friend! For luck.

We went to Yorkdale Mall to dress shop, among other things, for SOMEONE's wedding next weekend (all will be revealed in due time), and this was the change room I had to try my dress on in. HA!

Anyway, this is the dress I chose. Super cute, and versatile. I will be wearing this to all the holiday gatherings this year as well. So expect to see it a lot.

All that shopping made me a hungry gal, so King of King's at Kenzo was the only answer.

I am already in my pjs and washed up and ready for bed. The Walking Dead is on in twenty minutes, and then off to bed! We have to get up early and go vote! As should everyone else in this city. We are voting for a new Mayor of Toronto, and all I pray is that another Ford does not get in there. Please god, no.

Have a lovely evening lovelies!

Scary Stories That Are TRUE

Scary Stories That Are TRUE

