

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Leave Nothing But Footprints

Leave Nothing But Footprints

Hello there my dearests! I hope that you have all had a wonderful week so far! Can you believe that the first day of Summer was yesterday? This means the days are 'bout to get shorter. Oh lawd that thought depresses me. Anyway, I've been busy with a few fun adventures round here! 

I hear that baby poop is good for the skin, and the soul. HA! I'm kidding. It's not poop, but it certainly looks like it. Jess and I had a girl's getaway at the Royal York a few weeks ago and my god it was glorious. A little wine drunk by 3PM, delicious pizza at Pizzeria Libretto, massages, and fast asleep by 11:30PM. Honestly cannot have been more perfect.

Jess couldn't help being 'mom', so she made me a coffee in the morning as we watched M*A*S*H in bed before we checked out.

Not soon after that relaxing getaway, John and I had a date to go see the Werq The World Tour, which if you didn't know, is an amazing show put on by a few fabulous Kween's that were on RuPaul's Drag Race. Jesus H it was an amazing show. We got drunk, ate in two different places (ok no, I ate in two different places, literally 30 minutes apart from each other), and then had a blast during the show. John, we need to do this again soon.

Cool thanks John


Bianca Del Rio. I died a little. I will NEVER be that fabulous.

Then it was this little guy's birthday party! Woohoo! While shopping for presents for him I saw a Whoopee Cushion and was like YESSSSSS. What are Aunt's for really?

Not so much an adventure per se, but the weather has been pretty awesome these past few weeks. A lot of rain yes, but mixed in we have had days like these...so gorgeous. My plants are exploding in bloom and because I am an old fart, this excites me a lot.

Even my Blue Moon bloomed! These guys are notorious for being difficult to grow in a pot, and it hasn't bloomed in about 4 years. This year it did and I felt like I had a baby or something.

Dave and I went for a nice long hike at Rouge Valley Park a couple weekends ago and its safe to say this place is my new love. It was so peaceful and fed my soul, which was MUCH needed. BTW, try to handle my sass in this video.

Handle it in this photo as well. Sometimes I feel myself, sometimes I don't. Sometimes I'm pervy.

Spotted: a rare species that goes by the scientific name of davidicus colemanivus.

Don't get too close, he might repeat things at you and not give up until you yell at him. (I love you Davidicus!).

All I can think is TICKS.

It was such a lovely area, and a gorgeous day. I am getting excited already about all the hikes we are going to take in the Fall when the leaves have all changed. Not that I am trying to speed up Summer, but if it's just going to feel like 35C all Summer than yeah, bye.

Look at this piglet eyeing the sushi. So much eye contact with it, as if she is willing it to float straight into her mouth.

I thought I would include this washed out photo because it made my laugh that they both did this within seconds of each other. The orange girl (Pandorah, or Panny as we call her, sometimes Pangelina Jolie if she is looking bomb that day), NEVER cuddles with me like this. She cuddles with Dave like this every night. So I think when she got under the covers with me it took her a second to realize that something was horribly wrong, and she took off. The Siamese girl (Mikah, Mikey or Makel), who ALWAYS cuddles with me under the covers, saw her opportunity and took it. Anyone who thinks cats have no personalities, come and visit mine. All three are mental


Lots of storms and rain in the forecast for the next few days around here, which to be honest I don't mind! I am looking forward to relaxing this weekend, sleeping, and possibly finishing this season of Fargo.

I hope you all have a great weekend and do the things you enjoy, not just the things that are necessary!

9 Years...

9 Years...

Spring Fling

Spring Fling