

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Another One Has Come and Gone...Part 2

The morning of my birthday found me unable to get out of bed.  I had to be at the King Edward Hotel for check in time at 3PM, but because of a massive head and chest cold that decided to hit me that day, I could only drag my sorry ass out of bed for 1PM.

I had cookies to bake and a bag to pack, and then I was ready to go. Despite my cold I was determined to have a good time.  It was my 30th birthday dammit!  This will only happen once in my life and I wanted it to be memorable.  With my amazing gift of a one night stay at a swanky hotel c/o Ms. Jessi, I was sure that it would not fail to be a good one.

We arrived at around 3:30PM, and instantly ran to our room on the 15th floor like two little children.  Once we opened the door we were amazed.  It was the biggest hotel room I have ever stayed in!

Of course Dave had to set up shop; it's a requirement.  I set up my own space on the comfy chair, with my beautiful new computer, and played around with iWeb for a little while.

Our snacks and drinks of choice for the night were a lovely bottle of Wiser's Whiskey and a batch of homemade mint chocolate chip cookies.  Food and drink fit for a 30-year-old queen.

One of the things that Dave and I like to do is infiltrate whatever building we are in.  We walk around like we own the place and take a ton of pictures.  We did this at the hotel of course, only a security guard followed us around the whole time.  I am not sure why.  We were not stealing anything, unless you count images as being stolen goods.  Maybe he knew what we were thinking, that we were going to infiltrate ever deeper into the hotel much later that night, and go where only the brave of heart are willing to go.  But more on that later, because that story is part 3, and I am jumping ahead.

After exploring the hotel, we decided to go and do some last minute Christmas shopping at the Eaton Centre, or as I like to call it, and I am a hick, THE BIG MALL.  Word to the wise: do not ever go shopping in downtown Toronto, in the biggest mall in the city, three days before Christmas.  Almost could ruin a girl's birthday. Thankfully it didn't.  But the three thousand mall browsers were certainly trying their best I think.  They got an 'A' for effort!

Below on the left is the tree in the lobby of the hotel.  On the right is the Swarovski crystal Christmas tree in the middle of the Eaton Centre.

The night ended with us buying a carton of egg nog to mix with the whiskey.  I am not a huge fan, but it was a nice treat with the cookies.  The rest of the evening was spent just chilling out, nursing my cold, and watching ghostly shows on cable on the 42" Plasma T.V.  Until we decided to visit the abandoned Crystal Ballroom later that night....

I couldn't have asked for a better birthday.

Happy Christmas to Everyone

Another One Has Come and Gone...Part 1