

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Snow Watch 2010...is Over

Snow Watch 2010...is Over

This is what I woke up to this morning...

I took this while walking to work this morning.  It was snowing gently, and my boots were making crunching noises in the snow, and I was grinning like a fool.  Unfortunately it won't stay like this all Winter.  It will get a million degrees colder, and that gently falling snow will be blowing so hard that it stings your face.  And this is all ok, albeit a bit of an annoyance...this is Canada, and we are known for our winters!

On another exciting note, Dave and I put up our tree tomorrow. If you have any idea how excited I am at all to do this, then please know that when I mentioned it (for the thousandth time) to Dave this evening I also ran over to the radio, turned it on, and proceeded to dance a full song version of Feliz Navidad, to the point where I couldn't stop laughing at my own ridiculousness.  It's a pretty repetitive song, but my dance moves were varied and brilliant folks.

On another, absolutely non-holiday note....

Dave and I were eating dinner tonight when he found something unsatisfactory in his food.  Now, let me just say that the amount of time Dave spends quietly inspecting his plate is annoying endearing.  I am always saying things such as, "Oh Dave, there is nothing there", or "Just leave it! It's SUPPOSED to be there!".  So today he spent eons trying to disengage a speck of something from an egg yolk that belonged in the egg yolk.  He labored over this thing for what felt like the entire dinner .  Of course I rolled my eyes, who wouldn't?  OCD ANYONE!!!??? I can say that because I love him and I have tons of no OCD myself.

The part that made me laugh though? As he was clearing the dishes he looks solemnly down at his plate, sighs and says, "The kicker is that I spent so much time picking that speck out and placing it off to the side, and I still ate it by accident".

And you LIVED to tell the story??? UNHEARD of!!!

Crazy Fun Weekend

Crazy Fun Weekend

