

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

2016: A Year in Photographs

2016: A Year in Photographs

***This was originally posted back in 2016 but was lost in the change over from Blogger to Squarespace. So I am reposting it here. Enjoy the throwback!

Hello there my dearest friends! I hope you all had a lovely end of year, and that it was everything you hoped it would be. I, for one, have never liked the craziness of New Year's Eve, so I stayed home and read a book and drank a green smoothie. Because you know, I'm a frigging party animal.

Anyway, I have for you, late as usual, my year in photographs! 2016 was kind of a 'boring' year in the sense that we didn't do too much adventure-wise, but we were certainly kept busy with life and the good and bad that comes along with it.

To recap the year and the things that made it amazing:

-gorgeous sunrises on my way to work makes the day so much better. Really appreciated those on those cold early mornings. How lame am I jeez.

-Dave and I celebrated 11 years together with a High Tea date at the King Eddie, where we tried to get in to the abandoned Crystal Ballroomone more time (it was locked this time). 

-of course I had to throw cat pictures in...they are my little asshole fur babies!

-many abandoned house adventures

-annual Summer canoeing, and the worst sunburn of my life ☼

-I sneezed and something weird happened to my eyeball.

-a hike at the Scarborough Bluffs

-visits with Chrissy and the fam!

-visits with Jess and the fam!

-Cut lots of my hair off

-My brother and Sara bought a house!

-we started growing a blue spruce that Dave lovingly named Spruce Willis (and yes, this is exciting for me haha!)

-Fall walks

-Krista's birthday at Copacabana

-all the Halloween stuff!!!

-Christmas festivities

-Mine and John's Annual Christmas Decorate and Drink Fest.

-My 37th (AHHHH!) birthday, but there are no pictures because I worked late and I am officially old (sorry older folks!). But we did order pizza woohoo!

-our cozy little home decorated for Christmas 🎄

2016: A Year in Photographs from Kato Kaka on Vimeo.

Song is 'Float On' by Modest Mouse

Like I said, not so much of note happened, but hey, not every year can be a winner! I am just grateful that everyone we love is still here, we are all kicking, and ready for another fresh start in 2017. Here's to many more adventures and fun!

To see my past years, go here:








What were some memorable moments for you in 2016?

Happy New Year, and I love you all!

2012: A Year in Photographs

2012: A Year in Photographs

2011: A Year in Photographs

2011: A Year in Photographs