

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

A Few of My Favourite Things: Give Me Fall

A Few of My Favourite Things: Give Me Fall

Hello little leaves! Throw all the apples/ pumpkins you want at me, but PLEASE FALL BE HERE SOON. August has always been a blah month for me, because normally at the tail end of a season, I am so over it. And I am there. Already. I am over this heat. I want crisp nights and cool days, I want to wear a JACKET. September is the beginning of crock pot soups and lots of baking. Staying in bed longer on the weekends because its too cold to get up (not fun on weekdays, but I'll take it at this point).

So, in homage to all things Autumn, I wanted to post a few things that celebrate the gloriousness of the season.

Tea and Coffee (I mean lets be real, I drink this nectar of the gods all year round).

Long walks on gloomy days.

And sunny ones.

Chilly rainy nights.

Halloween movies.

The light changing.

All the colors.

Hiding behind a scarf. A giant scarf at that.

What is your favorite thing about Fall?

Resting Witch Face

Resting Witch Face

9 Years...

9 Years...