

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Post Malone 2019

Post Malone 2019

Back in October, my sister and I went to see Post Malone aka Baby Daddy. I'm sure he would love that. It was such an awesome show, like, probably the best show I have ever been to. I honestly can't believe those words are coming out of my mouth, because I have been to a lot of pretty cool shows in my lifetime. But, here we are. The 'I'll-never-listen-to-anything-other-than-grunge/rock' snob, is a top 40 listener of Post Malone.

Two older, but devastatingly beautiful, ladies.

Haha this guy. He was SO drunk before the show even started. He was sitting next to me screaming into my face about how awesome it was that he and his buddy were there together because they both just finished university and were celebrating (in October?). And then he asked if I had just finished school and if that is why I was there. I was like holy shit friend, those drunk goggles are THICK. And then he got drunker and drunker and more and more annoying to everyone around him until he got kicked out. I can't help but not feel sorry for him at all. I had to send this to all my friends just so we could have a laugh. I'm a savage.

Beer (TWENTY DOLLAR BEER *dead*) had to be in closed containers that looked like cold coffee cups. It's weird to drink beer out of a coffee cup. I mean, it wasn't THAT much of a problem, if you know what I mean...and I THINK YOU DO.

Pretty cool panoramic. I was quite pleased that we were out of the craziness of the floor and were comfy high up with the rest of the older/ poorer/ less rowdy crowd.

Props to anyone who can stand out there by themselves and hold a crowd. At least if you have a band, you can slightly fall back on thinking that it isn't just about you up there. When you sing along to your own track (which I think almost everyone does these days), it's just you baby.

Oh hey.

Look at him all tiny and cute (red shirt)

picking out which girls he wants backstage

greeting his fans. He seemed pretty genuine and happy to be in Toronto and talked to the crowd a lot and was cool. It was super fun. He really does seem like a down-to-earth dude. Unless he is faking it, but if so, he's an excellent actor.

I was happy that the show ended at 11PM. I was home and in bed by midnight.

Krista was happy she had a hot dog.

We had so much fun, that we bought tickets for when he comes back to Toronto in February. Here's hoping that experience is just as awesome!

Favorite Post Malone song?

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