

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Hello, Brave New World

Hello, Brave New World

Ah yes, the iconic COVID-19 banana bread.

Hello hello my friends! I hope you are all well and navigating through these crazy times without completely losing your minds. I did lose mine slightly when all this started, but I don’t do well with scary pandemics I guess. Haha! That was a joke. Still making dad jokes and always will.

If you are anything like me, baking was definitely a thing in the beginning of quarantine. I made bread from scratch. Never done that before. Also banana bread, which the entire world also made. I like to think we were united in banana bread. We joined our washed hands around the world and baked banana bread. How nice.

I also did WAAAAY too much of this. But again, who didn’t? Of course unless you can’t/ won’t for whatever reason. I respect that. I just needed to drink my face off for a little to try and make sense of the world. Which of course did nothing to help, it just made me more confused and a little stumbly. Also hi COVID skin. There is a filter here BELIEVE ME grumbles incoherently.


I definitely wasn’t the only one wanting some booze. I waited in line a few times for 45 minutes until I learned my lesson and we started driving a little further out and the lines were almost non-existent. Everything where I live had a line up. LONG LONG line ups. It was nuts.

Saw this guy driving around and stopping to talk to people. This was right at the beginning of the lock down, so people were a bit mad that he a) stopped to talk to people with no mask, etc, and b) was further scaring people with his conspiracy business at the start of a pandemic. To each his own and he is certainly allowed to speak his mind etc, and people should think about things that are maybe outside of their comfort zones, I just think it was possibly bad timing brah. People were already scared enough.

I had to go to the hospital during the high-point of quarantine to get a phlebotomy for my polycythemia. Not going to lie I was pretty nervous about having to go into a hospital at that time. And I was surprised. So many people not wearing masks or gloves or anything (I’m talking about the hospital staff), and no one seemed at all concerned. I thought maybe they are short on PPE like everyone else? Who knows. I wore my mask and I suppose that is all you can do, just take care of yourself. And it all ended up being fine anyway.


Hello boredom. I also realize we had an actual box available, so there was no real choice here. We were foiled from the get-go. Basically she had zero interest in sitting in the square, despite the viral TikTok trend showing otherwise. Maybe she doesn’t follow trends #coolcat #toocoolforschool.

Thankfully we didn’t want to kill each other. Mostly.

And now here we are. Three months or so in to this pandemic. I am back to work in the office despite my job being considered very high risk for spreading COVID. And it’s been fine. I was able to get my hair done this past weekend which was an experience. There are protocols and rules in place everywhere that need to be followed, for everyone’s safety. For me, it’s not difficult to wear a mask where it is required. I really don’t understand people who are so against following these rules. I have always been someone who doesn’t love following rules, but I will because I DON’T WANT TO KILL ANYONE smh. People can be very selfish, and incredibly dumb.

How have you all been faring? I know that this time has been incredibly difficult for many. What have you been doing to keep your bodies and minds occupied? Leave a list in the comments! It may help someone else who has been struggling through.

We will get through this! Take care of yourselves <3

Mystery Monday: The Walker Family Murders

Mystery Monday: The Walker Family Murders

Getting Through It

Getting Through It