

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

12 Years Down

12 Years Down

As a 28-year-old starting this blog, I didn’t think that I would stick to it for as long as I have. But here we are, 12 years later. And although I have definitely slowed down with posts (and let’s be real, life), this place has been, and always will be, my happy place. A place to come and look back on things, and an outlet for when I feel like putting my two cents out there. No matter how ridiculous it is most of the time.

Bright-eyed 28 -year-old me. Had never experienced a hangover because “my body can handle it’.

Bright-eyed 28 -year-old me. Had never experienced a hangover because “my body can handle it’.

Now that I am a 40-year-old lady, life isn’t as fast-paced as it was. It can definitely still be exciting and keep me on my toes, but not in the frantic, never stop way of your 20s and even 30s.

And in 2020, with a filter to hide the crows feet, and many hangovers later, I’m still here!

And in 2020, with a filter to hide the crows feet, and many hangovers later, I’m still here!

I guess what I am trying to say is that through all these years, thank you for being part of the journey. For being an avid reader, a sometimes reader, a lurker (do I have those?), and all-in-all, a supporter.

I don’t plan on going anywhere. So cheers to another 12 years.

Sayonara Summer

Sayonara Summer

Up To No Good: Abandoned Boat Edition

Up To No Good: Abandoned Boat Edition