

I like to write about whatever comes to my mind. Whether that is visiting an abandoned house, or reading a good book, I like to talk. So, chat with me here about what you like! And welcome.

Sayonara Summer

Sayonara Summer

I suppose it’s a little late coming, since Summer officially ended a month ago. I barely noticed. This year has gone by in a blur of weirdness and chunks of time that make no sense. Nothing was planned and time just flew by. One good thing about this strange Summer is that my wisteria bloomed for the first time in 8 years? Something crazy like that. It definitely made my day whenever I went out there to hang out.

Anyway, this is what I got up to this Summer: basically nothing.


This girl is definitely missing her summertime outside hangs. I am looking out the window right now and it is pouring rain, gloomy, and leaves are falling off the trees in buckets. It is one of those perfect Fall days to stay the eff in bed.


A backyard hang in Fergus one night in July gave us good moon.


Remember when everyone was like: put some tape on the floor in the shape of a box and your cat will sit in it haha they are so dumb! No, our cat was like “you’re both idiots what the hell is this?”.

Oh right this day, this was a beautiful day. The day I had to get my first COVID test. That was fun.



More birthday backyard hangs! First, nice face Dave. Second, it was flipping freezing on this day that is all I can remember.


I was finally able to get my hair done over the Summer, but only under strict COVID rules (which I was fine with of course). I just thought this picture was funny because it looks like my knees are facing forward…they aren’t. Weird right!?


Going back to blonde baby.


Ah yes. This was a shit day. Our cat Tuna (Ju-ni), had to go in for standard dental stuff. When they put her under to take the x-rays before they start the yanking and cleaning of teeth, they found a mass in her nasal cavity. Our vet is 99% sure it is cancer, so he referred us to an oncologist. The oncologist is 99% sure it is cancer but without an MRI he can’t be 100%. An MRI costs $3000. So we were like OK THERE. Of course we love her to death, but the cons outweigh the pros in this case, unfortunately. So we are just assuming that is what it is and making sure she is comfortable and happy and good, until she isn’t anymore :( Of course Dave, ever the optimist (i.e-crazy person that I love haha) thinks that because there is a 1% chance it is NOT cancer, that we should go with that. He’s a good one though, everyone needs that kind of optimism in their life. I don’t have that in me, I am doom and gloom.

Another kind of shit day. A tree went down during a crazy storm right in front of our house. THANK WHOMEVER that we didn’t park our car in that spot that day, because it would have been crushed. Not so great is that someone did park their car there, and it was crushed. That sucks so much. Anyway, the pictures don’t do it justice, but the tree was huge. It took down a streetlamp and completely blocked the entrance to our house.

Now, this isn’t so bad right. Could be worse. Except because of COVID and my shitty mental health at that time, I hadn’t slept in 4 days. Straight. And I was still going to work and doing everything else I had to do with no sleep. Our power had been shut off and it was one of those hell on earth days where the temperature was in the high 30s, and more like in the 40s in our apartment with no a/c. So, with that and the city workers chainsawing the tree until 5AM, no sleep was had. I cried that night, like a stupid baby who desperately needed sleep.


They didn’t use Dave’s interview. They went with two small children (?) and a woman who doesn’t even live on the street (?).


I did do one pretty awesome thing though! Right when lockdown started, I jumped on Amazon and ordered cozy deck furniture. I knew we were going to be out there a lot, and our old furniture was really old and falling apart. So I made a cozy space out there, and we used it all the time. Dave more so than me, but it really did make a difference to have some good outdoor space.


Alas though, Fall is here. I’m not sad about this because I do love this time of year for many reasons. It just all went by so quick, as this entire year has.

Do you remember these from your childhood? Little beads that you sprinkle into a metal form and melt and it makes little ‘stained glass’ ornaments? Mine is the bat, Dave, who did his high as a kite, did the pumpkin. HAHA! I like his better to be honest.

Work. Mask all day. Maskne. Tired all the time. What else is new.


Another outdoor hang at Dave’s bro’s. The pub outdoor area was open and it was a gorgeous view. Since then they have had to close down again. Thanks COVID.

Fall is definitely here to stay.


Did you make the best of your Summer? Or was it just blah like mine?

Let me know in the comments below. I also love the lot of you <3

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Mouldy Manor

Up to No Good: Abandoned House Edition-The Mouldy Manor

12 Years Down

12 Years Down